Purim Celebration Thursday, Mar 13th 5:30p to 9:30p Put on your dancing shoes and get ready to jeer at Haman and cheer for Queen Esther! Free pizza at 5:30 p.m. followed by Purim singing, the CSS band, megillah, and an English rendition of the story — suitable for both for adults and kids. Wear a costume and bring a dessert to share!
Community Passover Seder Sunday, Apr 13th 5:30p to 9:00p Join us for our annual Community Passover seder. We will gather to retell the story of the Israelites leaving Egypt and share a meal. We will provide the space and haggadot (books that you'll read from). You'll provide the food, set-up and clean-up of the seder, and great energy. This is led and attended by members and friends of the community.