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Looking for Community? Join a Havurah!

Hoping to meet others in the congregation? Not sure quite how to do it? We have been creating many new havurot (fellowship groups). They provide an opportunity for members and others to form smaller communities within the congregation. Most meet once a month, are organized by members, and bring together people with a similar demographic or interest. If you’d like to participate, email and we will connect you with the group leaders.

The Young Adult Havurah is restarting after several years of inactivity. This group is aimed at 20- and 30-something year-old community members who want to form social relationships, participate in Jewish life together, and more.

The Newly Single Again Havurah is a new group open to people looking for community and support around the end of a long- term relationship or marriage. This group will meet monthly.

The Men's Havurah meets once a month on Sunday mornings. It is open to men who identify as Jewish as well as those interested in Judaism. We focus on rotating topics of interest, and we have a men's retreat once a year.

The Women's Havurah meets once a month on Sunday mornings. We discuss a topic of interest, enjoy time together, and build community in the congregation.

The LGBTQ Havurah provides an opportunity for LGBTQ people to meet each other and discuss being Jewish and LGBTQ. The group is intergenerational and meets once a month. All LGBTQ-identified people are welcome.

The Parents of 0-2 Year-Olds Havurah is for children ages 0-2 and their parents. Families gather for Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur tot services, a Passover seder, play dates, and more. Kesher, a monthly gathering for children ages 3-4 and their parents, also meets once a month.

The Torah Study Havurah meets to discuss the week's Torah portion twice a month on Saturday mornings when Shaarei Shamayim does not have services. We usually meet in person with a virtual option. Discussions are lively and wide-ranging; members share personal reactions to the weekly parashah, as well as insights from classic and contemporary commentaries.

Members of the Arts and Crafts Havurah bring their completed or in-progress projects to our gatherings. We have a lively conversation as we work on our own projects. All types of crafters are welcome.

The Hiking Havurah welcomes hikers and walkers of all levels, to join them once a month for low-impact nature walks in and around the more interesting places in Madison and south central Wisconsin.

Nechamah: Living With Chronic Illness is a havurah open to people living with chronic illnesses, as well as people who care for others with chronic illnesses. We meet once a month with Rabbi Laurie who facilitates conversation. Members offer each other support and care.

The Outdoor Adventure Havurah explores the outdoors in a different excursion each month. We do activities such as paddling, ice skating, and cross-country skiing.

The Shabbat Singing Havurah meets once a month at a member's home on Saturday afternoons. We learn and sing new Jewish music both as a way to celebrate Shabbat and to build a singing community for our services and ritual events.

The Friday Night Shabbat Havurah meets weekly over Zoom for a short gathering. Members lead Shabbat songs and one person offers a reflection on the week, an upcoming holiday, or the weekly Torah portion. We do a prayer for healing and Kaddish, along with blessings over the candles, wine, and bread.

Our Acts of Caring Havurah is an opportunity to support members who are going through challenging times. We are connected through email and mobilize when a member is in need so that we can provide meals and rides, as well as make visits and do errands.

Possible havurot if there is interest:

The Monthly Shabbat Dinners Havurah (adult-focused) is a group intended to hold rotating Shabbat potluck dinners at members' homes each month.

A Board Games Havurah would gather once a month in a fun, relaxing social environment to play board games together.

A Parents of 14-26 Year Olds Havurah would gather once a month for parents with children, teens, and young adults. This would be an opportunity to spend time with other parents (without kids).

We have something for everyone. We hope you'll join us!

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785