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Shaarei Shamayim organizes holiday celebrations throughout the year: On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we offer services punctuated by meditation and discussion. We also join together for potlucks at the beginning of Rosh Hashanah and the end of Yom Kippur.

On Sukkot we build a sukkah and gather around a campfire. We continue on Simchat Torah with singing and dancing and roll the Torah from the end to the beginning.

We celebrate Chanukkah with a joyful party in the middle of winter. We start with a festive meal, followed by singing, games, adult conversation, and crafts for kids. Featuring our amazing ad-hoc community band! For kids, don’t miss dreidel, freeze dance, and Chanukkah nail art. 

At Tu B'Shevat we hold a mindfulness seder to celebrate the New Year of Trees. This is a small holiday where we celebrate by eating new fruits, donating money to environmental organizations, and planting new trees.

Purim is a time of silliness; adults and children dress up in costume, retell the Book of Esther, and sing songs. On Passover we match up people who can host a seder with people who wish to attend a seder. Shaarei Shamayim participates in a community-wide Shavuot celebration as well.

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785