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Welcome! We invite you to participate with us at our services. Feel free to ask questions of our rabbi and greeters, along with any of our members. The following information may be helpful to you:

Some of our services are small and informal. If that’s the case, someone will welcome you when you arrive and give you a prayer book. On a typical Shabbat morning, Torah study is at 9:30 a.m. and services are at 10:30 a.m. Services usually last until 12:15 or 12:30 p.m. We sit in a circle; often there are only 5-10 people at Torah study and 10-30 people at services.

If you’re coming to one of our bnei mitzvah ceremonies, the service will be larger. When you arrive, someone will welcome you and give you a prayer book. You can sit anywhere you’d like in the sanctuary. There are 60-150 people at these services. Services last between two to two and a half hours.

We meet at the First Unitarian Society, 900 University Bay Drive. Look for our sign out front to see which part of the building we are in.

You will notice that some people come late and leave early. That's totally fine. If you would like to get the full experience, though, we suggest that you come at the beginning and leave at the end.

Please participate to the extent you are comfortable. You can follow along in Hebrew and you’re welcome to sing. Or, you can read the prayers, poems, and commentaries in our prayer book. It’s customary to stand at various points; the service leader will indicate when to do so. It is not customary to clap after someone leads a particular prayer or gives a talk.

Electronic devices
Please turn off your cell phone when you enter the building and refrain from using it in the service. Please also refrain from using any kind of iPad/tablet or camera unless you are granted permission in advance. We ask that you not record our services.

Taking notes
Please refrain from taking notes during the service.

Our community is casual. That said, it’s customary to look nice for services. Most people do not wear jeans, shorts, or t-shirts.

Wearing a kippah and tallit
Anyone is welcome to wear a kippah (head covering). Some people do, and others do not. Only people who are Jewish wear a tallit (prayer shawl).

Covid policies
We strongly suggest that all participants be fully vaccinated and boosted. If you have any symptoms of illness, please stay home. Masks are optional in services.

Please do not wear strong fragrances or scented lotions, cologne, or perfumes. Some members of our community are sensitive to these smells.

Learn more about Jewish customs
We recommend the following websites: and

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785