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Social Action

Working for social justice and supporting those in need are core values of Shaarei Shamayim. In addition to holding monthly discussions on social justice issues and giving tzedakah on a yearly basis to local non-profits, we participate in and organize a variety of projects. To receive a weekly email with updates about these projects, as well as ways of getting involved both within Shaarei Shamayim and in Madison, please email Ryan at

New Social Action Initiatives at Shaarei Shamayim!

The Social Action committee has set up a new structure for doing social action work and wants YOU to get involved. Have an idea you’d like to try out? Hear of a project you think would work at CSS? We want to work collectively on social action initiatives that align with our community’s values.

Join us! Here’s what you need to do:

Think of a project you’d like to work on.

Find some folks who will join you.

Contact our Social Action Committee chair, Abbie Steinbeck, to discuss your project and any questions you have. She can be reached at

Need help thinking of a project or finding others who might join you? Talk to Ryan Fitz, our Director of Operations and Engagement and he’ll guide you in the process. He can be reached at


The following are a few of the projects and organizations that Shaarei Shamayim currently supports. You can read more about past projects here.

Resettling Refugees through Jewish Social Services – Jewish Social Services was approved to become a refugee resettlement site as a HIAS affiliate. Shaarei Shamayim will be working with Jewish Social Services to help refugees get the support they need when they move to Madison. Our group will help with many different tasks, including move-in preparation, one-on-one interaction, and coordination/advocacy.  Watch a brief video about HIAS, the Jewish experience, and today's refugees: HIAS: For the Refugee.

Protecting and Advocating for Vulnerable Communities – Shaarei Shamayim is involved in local organizing efforts to reach out to Madison's Latino and Muslim communities. We are building community in our congregation and providing space for reflection, advocacy, and action. We are currently raising money to support Voces de la Frontera, see our Voces Solidarity Challenge.

We have written a Pledge of Solidarity - if you are Jewish or a member of a Jewish household and you live in Madison or its surrounding areas, please consider signing it.

Supporting the LGBTQ community - Each year Shaarei Shamayim marches in the Outreach Pride Parade.

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785